perut tumpah. tubuh HOT. otak biru. :))
saya dugong.
nan lucu.
1 letters in my letterbox!
evelin hari ini sedang tertimpa musibah, gag ikut quiz math.. sbnrnya emg bodoh sndiri.. Xp
jahat yh gw.. haha smangat teman!!! bisa dpt 'A' pasti..
denika = diterima di erasmus!! congratz denika!! tumpengan yh den!!
duh pathetic bgt ne gw gag bs attach gambar.. T-T ajarin!! pdhal gw mau taro foto monyet..
5 letters in my letterbox!
sometimes we feel that we're strong and tough enough to do everything.. everything, but that's not true..
we will suffer broke felt so down and we don't hv anyone to help us to get up.. and the true friends will come and help you as hard as they can.. and I know you're both of you, the true friend that I seeking for long long long time.. I glad finally we can meet, fooling together, mock each other, and the most important thing is helping each other.. if one of us fall, we're there to you, to make you get up, strong and stronger..
5 letters in my letterbox!